A Loud Winter's Nap
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A Loud Winter's Nap

Will Tortoise ever find a place to sleep?!

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Tortoise is set in his ways. He doesn't like winter. He's been planning his long winter nap, and now he's ready to find a peaceful place to snuggle up. Tortoise has his pillow, his teddy bear, and his ear plugs. But what will tortoise do when the robins create a ruckus with their winter singing class? Readers will giggle as Tortoise tries to find a peaceful sleeping spot. Every time he snuggles down to sleep, a different forest animal wakes him up - from the playful squirrel who invites him to a snowball fight to the beaver who chops down the tree he's sleeping in. Tortoise just doesn't understand winter fun. All he know is that "tortoises just don't like winter!"
ISBN:  9781479598519
Grade Level:  PreK-1
Age Range:  4-Up
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  32
Publish Year:  2017
Publisher/Imprint:  Capstone
Author:  Katy Hudson
Book Dimensions:  10 in.H x 10 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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